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Our full range of consulting services.
We believe in technology driven solutions.
Contact us to find out how we can help you.
Welcome to AKHILE
AKHILE is a Level 1 BBBEE Company that focuses on providing sustainable and practical solutions to the public sector.
Our services are customised to suit our clients’ needs, draws on best practice and our vast municipal experience and increasingly includes digital, Artificial Intelligence(AI) and machine learning capabilities.
We empower our clients to remain viable by promoting a platform for innovation, business intelligence and analytics.
Akhile boasts a team of dedicated consultants that specialise in the local, provincial and national government spheres, who:
- Have an enviable track record and experience in their fields of specialisation;
- Have successfully executed projects across municipalities;
- Have developed public sector institutional and human resource capacity and capability as our contribution to the development and growth of South Africa; and
- Are passionate about the public sector and transformation that has taken place since 1994.
Our analysis, recommendations and support include, amongst others:
- Asset Management;
- Budgeting and Financial Planning;
- Debt and Indigent Management;
- Financial Statement Preparation and Audit Support;
- Financial Management and Accounting;
- Tariff and Sustainability Modelling;
- MSCOA Implementation and Support;
- Municipal Recovery and Turnaround (MFMA Chapter 13);
- Municipal Viability and Sustainability (MST);
- Contract and Cost Optimisation;
- Revenue Management and Assurance;
- Big Data Analytics;
- Business Process Modelling, Systems Analysis and Planning
- Systems Development and Support;
- Modern-workplace Hybrid Working and Cloud Enablement; and
- Resource Augmentation.
Services are customised to suit our clients’ needs, draws on best practice and our vast municipal experience and increasingly includes digital, AI and machine learning capabilities.
We distinguish ourselves by adding lasting value to our clients…
OUR BUSINESS and philosophy is based on exceptional Client service and quality delivery of assignments.
OUR DIRECTORS are visible, hands-on and lead the work that we do.
OUR PEOPLE have an enviable track record and experience in their fields of specialisation.
At Akhile we will:
- Be client and solutions focused;
- Provide quality and hands-on leadership and management;
- Communicate honestly;
- Ensure greatest value by making a positive difference and thus ensure sustainability for our Clients and Company;
- Motivate and enable our Staff to deliver value and quality; and
ALL of this will be underpinned by:
1. Western Cape Digital Innovation Challenge 2021 showcase event – Fintech Finalist.

2. Standard Bank 2021 Top Gender Empowered Company, supported by the Commission for Gender Equality.

3. Standard Bank 2022 Top Gender Empowered Company, supported by the Commission for Gender Equality.
Our RECENT Clients
- National Treasury;
- Provincial Treasuries;
- Western Cape Department of Economic Development and Tourism;
- South African Local Government Association;
- South African Cities Network;
- Development Bank of Southern Africa;
- Institute of Municipal Finance Officers; and
- More than 30 Metro, Local and District Municipalities.
Asset Management
Asset verification and accounting (Preparation and maintenance of GRAP
and mSCOA compliant asset registers), Compilation of Strategic Asset Management
Plans (SAMPS), Asset Management Plans (AMPS) and Comprehensive Municipal
Infrastructure Plans (CMIPS) and Cities Infrastructure Delivery and Management
System (CIDMS) compliance.
Budgeting and Financial Planning
Preparation, review and updates to Medium Term Revenue and Expenditure Frameworks (MTREF) and Long Term Financial Planning (Including Capital Expenditure Frameworks) to ensure credible, cash backed, viable and sustainable budgeting.
Debt and Indigent Management
Preparation, review and updates of indigent registers, data cleansing and debt collection.
Financial Statement Preparation and Audit Support
Preparation and review of Annual Financial Statements to ensure Generally Recognised Accounting Practice (GRAP), Municipal Finance Management Act (MFMA) and Public Finance Management Act (PFMA) compliance. Compilation of audit files supporting all balances, disclosures and adjustments and assistance with the audit process.
Financial Management and Accounting
Strategic planning, organising, directing, and controlling of treasury and finance including Generally Recognised Accounting Practice (GRAP), Municipal Finance Management Act (MFMA) and Public Finance Management Act (PFMA) compliance.
Tariff and Sustainability Modelling
Development of tariff costing/tariff modelling solutions to determine service tariffs that are cost reflective and implementable including proven best practice formulas, modelling key input data and research based.
Contract and Cost Optimisation
Cost containment, Service Level Agreement (SLA) review and legal and contract management support.
Revenue Management, Protection and Assurance
Identification of revenue leakages, revenue enhancement strategies and debtor profiling and collections.
MSCOA Implementation and Support
mSCOA implementation, project management and Compliance Support.
Municipal Recovery and Turnaround (MFMA Chapter 13)
Strategy, turnaround and implementation of Chapter 13 (Resolution of Financial Problems) of the Municipal Finance Management Act.
Municipal Viability and Sustainability (MST)
Financial modelling, analysis, strategy, planning and implementation. See more
GIS/ESRI Services
We create, manage, analyse, and map all types of data to perform multi-dimensional and visual analysis in order to solve complex problems.
Big Data Analytics
Advanced analytic techniques to enable data driven and informed decision making. Our process utilises large, diverse data sets (including structured, semi-structured and unstructured data, from different sources) to facilitate informed and accurate decision making.
Business Process Modelling, Systems Analysis and Planning
Integration of technology and business processes to enable data driven and informed decision making, and enhance and improve efficiency of key processes.
Systems Development and Support
Customised system development, enhancement and maintenance to meet the unique needs and requirements of our Clients. Our systems and solutions are internally developed, are all GRAP, MFMA and mSCOA compliant and easily integrates with most systems. See more
Modern-Workplace Hybrid Working and Cloud Enablement
An end-to-end, integrated portfolio of cloud solutions across our custom developed solutions, Microsoft 365, Power Platform, and Azure. Enabling administrative efficiency, customer centric service delivery and economic growth. See more
“Akhile has touched and made a difference in many lives. This has been my greatest achievement.”
Starting Akhile was a challenging and scary journey. At times it still is, but watching Akhile grow and seeing the difference it has made to the Akhile Team, Our Clients and Organisations and People we have come into contact with has been incredible.
Aneel Radhakrishna
Chief Executive Officer
Modern Workplace
Innovative Government Solutions
Digital Sheriff
Meet our leading specialists
A team that can change your business!
Akhile’s Management Team are considered experts in their fields of specialisation. In combination, the Akhile leadership team have in excess of 100 years of experience.
We specialise in the spheres of local, provincial and national government.
Chief Executive Officer
Chief Technology Officer
Our Team and strategic partners are experts in their field of specialisation.
Sustainable Practical Solutions to the Public Sector
We integrate the right partners and technologies.
Exceptional Client Service
We distinguish ourselves by adding lasting value to our clients and quality delivery of assignments.
15+ Years in the Consulting Business
We have successfully executed projects across municipalities.
Our Partners
Liquid Intelligent Technologies is a pan-African technology group present in more than 20 countries, mainly in sub-Saharan Africa. Liquid has firmly established itself as the leading provider of pan-African digital infrastructure with an extensive network covering over 100,000 km. Liquid Intelligent Technologies is redefining network, Cloud and Cyber Security offerings through strategic partnerships with leading global players, innovative business applications, smart cloud services and world-class security on the African continent. Liquid Intelligent Technologies is now a comprehensive, one-stop technology group that provides customised digital solutions to public and private sector companies across the continent under several business units including Liquid Networks, Liquid Cloud and Cyber Security and Africa Data Centres. https://www.liquid.tech/
Akhile has a strategic partnership with Liquid Intelligent Technologies aimed at building a Modern Workplace, Hybrid working and Cloud Enablement platform for the public sector, with a focus to pursue post COVID recovery and accelerating and embedding digital transformation.
Microsoft Corporation is an American multinational technology corporation which produces computer software, consumer electronics, personal computers, and related services. Its best known software products are the Microsoft Windows line of operating systems, the Microsoft Office suite, and the Internet Explorer and Edge web browsers. Microsoft ranked No. 21 in the 2020 Fortune 500 rankings of the largest United States corporations by total revenue; Microsoft (the word being a portmanteau of “microcomputer software”[5]) was founded by Bill Gates and Paul Allen on April 4, 1975, to develop and sell BASIC interpreters for the Altair 8800.
UNIQUECO was established in 2008, providing professional valuation services of exceptional quality, using unique valuation methodologies and administrational strategies. UniqueCo scope of experience embraces three decades of practical exposure to the property valuation sector. UniqueCo specialises in the various property fields. The following commonable property types are commonly known to the investment market of the South African property industry: residential, commercial, industrial, agriculture, leisure, specialised, equity servitudes and expropriations. This Partnership compliments Akhile’s Asset Management and Revenue Management and Assurance services.
GrabAGrad are a dynamic and youthful company that features a disruptive model of graduate empowerment. GrabAGrad takes in graduates and trains them in the most in-demand skills in the highest growth industries in the world. Akhile Digital has partnered with GrabAGrad to develop skills and provide resources to deliver on our vision for public sector.
Since the dawn of this millennium, New Integrated Credit Solutions (Pty)Ltd. (NICS) has remained one of the nation’s dynamic and fully-empowered leading provider of revenue management and debt recovery solutions. When we entered the markets in 2001, our success was to be measured two-fold. We aimed to assist the public and private sectors in curbing and resolving their multi-billion rand debt. Also, subsequently, we sought to repaint the face of the debt-collection industry by becoming the drivers of transformation in the private sector which bragged little to no empowerment.
Monstarlab aims to engineer awesome products, services, and ecosystems, building a brighter world for us all, with a global footprint and over 1200 employees. Akhile and Monstarlab are in partnership to provide IT resources to banks based in the UAE, these include Application Development, Maintenance and Support, Resource Augmentation, and Provision of Specific Teams. Monstarlab’s focus aligns with Akhile to ensure a global approach that opens the doors to the best talent worldwide and creates continuous learning and sharing culture that fosters growth and innovation.
Akhile’s partnership with BIGEN leverages our strong financial background with deep engineering understanding resulting in competencies bridging the divide between the technical engineering functionality with accounting requirements. This ensures delivery of integrated solutions that achieve technical and financial viability.
Consumer Profile Bureau (Pty) Ltd is a proudly South African Payment Profile Hosting Credit Bureau. Their industry-leading, innovative, real-time solutions span from bespoke reporting and analytics, digital identification, paperless FICA and online data analytics. This is in addition to the standard credit bureau offerings such as tracing, credit verification and debtor profiling. Our Partnership compliments Akhile’s Digital and Revenue Management services and enables data cleansing and informed decision making for Local Government.

Municipality In a Cloud
Akhile Innovation and Digital Transformation Introduction

Financial Sustainability is Paramount to Addressing Municipal Service Delivery Failures
Credible Budgeting is Key…

The Digital Sheriff Protects Both The Consumer and Business
Consumers Can Now Avoid Being Blacklisted, Digitally
Akhile’s Corporate Social Responsibility
Akhile’s Events
Office Locations
Head Office
Call us
Tel: (012) 460 1945
204 Witch Hazel Avenue,
Highveld Techno Park,
Centurion, 0157
Cape Town
Call us
Tel: (021) 205 3545
Block B04, 1st Floor
Grosvenor Square, Park Lane,
Century City, 7441
East London
Call us
Tel: (012) 460 1945
The Hub,
Bonza Bay Road,
Beacon Bay, 5217
Drop us a line
Any questions or business offers? We are looking forward to hear from you!!
Business hours
Monday 08:00 am - 16:30 pm
Tuesday 08:00 am - 16:30 pm
Wednesday 08:00 am - 16:30 pm
Thursday 08:00 am - 16:30 pm
Friday 08:00 am - 16:30 pm
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed